Dragon Energy

 Dragon Energy

What is the Dragon energy?
The dragon energy is an ancient old energy, who lived on earth way before human kind was in the picture. They live in the astral dimensions, and are very strongly connected to ley lines and earth power grids.

Because the dragon energy is slowly returning to Earth, more people are interested in them. But there is not much knowledge out there. They don't get involved with human kind, but mainly focus on their own tasks; protecting Mother Earth.

Dragons are beings that exist, but they are not dangerous or demonic. It is true however that the dragon energy can help you connect to your shadow side, or ego. Parts of yourself you have suppressed, you need to embrace them, so you can learn from them.

The dragons teach us that there doesn't have to be duality Inside yourself. They teach you how to integrate the male- and female energies in your body, mind, spirit and Soul. So you can free yourself from earthly burdens.

The dragon energy is attracted to the most pure Souls, usually Souls they have worked with before, in past lives. They recognize the Soul from the Pure Light they radiate.

Often these Souls are also strongly connected to the elementals, nature spirits and nature itself.

The dragons select who they would like to guide in life. They have Free Will and wil not be bossed around.

They will no be used for negativity or black magic, they will leave you, to never return.

They energy is overpowering; Source Energy. But it's also very soft, cherishing and loving. Most people are very surprised that the dragon energy can be so soft, and gentle.

They each have their own personal energy, just like your spirit Guides and Angels. For every life lesson there can be another dragon (with different colour) to guide you. Try to attune to them, to feel why they are with you, and which knowledge they wish to share.

Invoke the dragon energies 3 times. And listen very carefully. They don't talk to us via words, like people, Angels, spirit Guides or Lightmasters.

It's more like feeling, from your gut instict and Consciousness. Telepathic communication on a Heart- and Soul level.

You have to make an effort to understand these dragon energies. They are very careful in who they chose to guide, and only chose the most pure of Heart, otherwise they will stay away.

Never share the name your personal dragon has given you, with anyone else.

To invoke the dragon energies.

You can invoke the dragon energies for:

- Get rid of negative energies, around yourself, your loved ones, and your house;
- To ground yourself better;
- To get your back into your Original State of Being from Source Energy;
- Direct connection to your Soul;
- Letting go of past trauma;
- Breaking through family karma;
- Not having any fear of your ego, or shadow side;
- Connection to below (Earth) and above (Source);
- Cleansing of emotions;
- Healing of your Inner Child;
- Learning how to take responsibility for your own life: letting go of the victim mentality;
- Showing that you are your own Master.

© Medium Arlette

Datum: 31-03-'16

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